Poetry of today in Spain

Dear poets and friends,

First, I want to thank you for your warm welcome, which honours me very much, and as you give me the opportunity to express myself, I will do my best to display for you, a summary view about today’s poetry conditions in Spain, particularly in Malaga.

Only very few writers in Spain can take literature as a living; and among them, poets are only poor relatives. To get through, they must be very important people elsewhere or have won an important price.

Big editorials do not hazard, they only publish books they know will sell well. You are free to write what you like and feel, but you know you have to find time, apart your official work, and make your own way alone, without help of any kind.

You have the possibility to send your work to literary competitions, there are a lot of them in Spain, but you have little chance. People say the Jury knows in advance who will win the first price (especially if it is an important one). It may be so sometimes, but I cannot and want not to believe and confirm.

Each year, the Townhouse, through a cultural association, publishes and promotes at least a book of poems.

There is a mode in modern literature, depending of who is in charge to choose what will be published or not. Normally winners are very young people, students ones, who fit in the ideology of the political party in power.

There are two parties governing in Malaga, and the vocal of literature was, last year, a so-called writer and poet who gave a lecture in a poetical meeting point where I use to go. I still blame myself not to have had courage enough to tell him what I was thinking about.

He read us part of a book he was writing about Holy Week. All people in the room where shocked but remained quiet. Nobody dared say a word against him and some felt obliged to applaud.

I am not a religious person but I respect people and beliefs. And the text that person read was injurious and dirty, full of expressions treating persons worse than beasts.

There were students in the room, poets ones in search of someone to promote them, and that guy was the one, the one able to rescue them from anonymity! He ought to be a model for them, but what for a model he was!

Spanish language is a wonderful one, why sully it in so aberrant way!

Last day, they gave me a book, published under the direction of that guy, that I want to return, because I sense it like a poison spot in my house, and I don’t want anybody in my family to read it.

In the preface they say that such a book is a need to open the eyes on the world we are living on (something like that, I don’t have the book in my hands). It is a book of “modern poetry”, although I refuse to call that, poetry.

For me, poetry is beautiful language, a light on the world showing things, feelings and aspects remaining hidden at first look. Poetry is like a Japanese making a wonderful arrangement with the must humble and forgotten flowers. To write a poem should be a kind of contemplation or investigation: dig into life, taking to light the essence of it in the must beautiful style and words your skill is able.

Poets cannot avoid mentioning what is appalling to them, but there is a manner to expose it without shocking. All can be write. It is true people must be aware of what occurs in their world. But poets never have to lose people and language respect.

Now, I take that book again to see if what I said is true. I read it slowly, with critic intention, and what I sense is that the author, a young man of twenty-eight years old, had a terrible life, void of love, which makes him write so cruel, using so rude disturbing words.

Excepting in some poems reflecting a complete absence of morality, if you change the ugliness of some words with more acceptable ones, you may find skilled and sensitive verses.

Today’s young Spanish poets use to be very hard, not sentimental at all. They mainly write about death and sex, with crude reality. Some investigate the nonsense of their life with despair; they could be good if only they had an education in consonance with present times, very different from past ones.

Professors and parents have to adapt to new conditions first; and, often, too often, it is the contrary that occurs. They cannot assimilate the new requirements of life and young people are left lost, without suitable rules to follow, in a competitive, material, strange and unexpected world they do not understand.

They have to learn by themselves, they need money to be accepted by the society, and because of that they make a lot of mistakes. They rebel against their parents and do not want to accept the world as it is. A lot of them finish in the drug or delinquency.

Some write in that state, laying on the paper all their aberrant fillings. At least they are sincere and between them you may find a certain light worth to shine.

In Malaga there is a lot of poets. It always has been so. I do not personally know worldwide acclaimed ones. I only know poets still in challenge, some very skilled. We use to meet once a week to read and critic our works, or for a lecture.

There are a lot of poets’ associations organizing poetical meetings; some editing their own magazine, where subscribers can publish. In those associations there may be good and not so good (wanting to be good) poets.
We find, also in Malaga, independent poets trying to open their way alone.

Each townhouse has a department of culture held by the party at govern; but, if you are not an acquaintance of the authorities, a relevant personality or a very young person, around twenty years old; and you ask for some kind of help to promote your work or your ideas, they just do not answer you. If you succeed to go and speak directly to one of them, which is very difficult, he or she will never say no, but always: “we will consider it and phone you, or write you”; and you can wait, the call or the letter never comes. You may be lucky and find an exception, but it is rare.
There is also the possibility that, if you call and call on them, again and again, at the end they will give you something, just to get rid of you. The National Syndicate of Spanish Writers is willing to help, but it has been cut down by the death of its head: Don Emilio Zamanillo; and now, it is trying to rebuild and perform. Future will judge. The CIELE / ICWEL is the international autonomous organ of the NSSW.

I hope you will help me, with assistance or counsels, to make the next Convention, where you are all invited, an event almost so successful and unforgettable as LORD BYRON Conference is.

Thank you for your kind attention to my lecture.

Mariette Cirerol



スペインでは文学で暮らして行く事は出来ません。中でも詩人は一番貧乏です。   ヤッテ行くためには何か他の事で偉くなるか、大きな賞を貰うかです。






















そういう一匹狼の詩人達もそれなりに光っているのですよ。コンタクトを取ろうとしても取りにくい。何となく繋がりを持ちたがらないようです。だけど、スペインに作家同盟みたいなものですね、というものがあって、お宅になっている、その人等をなるべく引っ張り出して繋いでいこうとしている。だけどそのトップであった人Don Emilio Zamanilloが亡くなられて再建してなおしていこうという、その過程の現在。
彼女はCIELE / ICWE勿論独立した組織ですがそれに係わっています。



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